Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Growing Flowers for Summer Butterflies and Winter Birds

Here's a short list of easy to grow flowers for both butterflies in the summer and seed for the birds in the winter.
Sedum Autumn Joy and Fountain Grass

Coreopsis 'Brown Eyes'

Liatris or Gayfeather

Various Rudbeckias

Helianthus hirsutus  -Perennial Sunflower

Sedums sp. great for bees, butterflies and later the birds

Rudbeckia- Black-Eyed- Susans -all varieties birds, bees and butterflies

Liatris- also called Blazing Star and Gayfeather

Coreopsis- is an excellent flower for both summer butterflies and winter seed sources

Cosmos- an easy to grow annual

Goldenrod- does not cause hayfever! A perfect flower for all winged animals and insects.

Coneflower or Echinacea

Sunflower - great to grow with kids

Butterfly Bush - a non-native species, still great for butterflies and winter birds

Perennial Asters of all types. Perfect food for the Juncos and sparrows that stay with us for the winter

Fountain Grass

Winterberry Holly

Snowberries - beneficial wasps pollinate and bird feed on the berries

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