Saturday, March 13, 2010

Seed Sowing for Spring

It's still too early to start most seeds outdoors to here's some information and links to seed sowing information. Lots of information on vegetable seed starting and Hybrid vs. open-pollinated.

And Renee's Seed: for numerous articles about seed sowing and growing including tomato seed starting and my favorite Sweet Peas.

Photo is from Renees Garden

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Sowing annuals

For those of you interested in sowing your own annual flower seed the National Garden Bureau has some helpful information.
More great links own seed sowing indoors to get a jump on the growing season: Thompson & Morgan Seed Co., Park Seed How-to Guide, Jung Seed Starting Basics, Johnny's Seed for all the vegetable information you'll ever need,,default,pg.html Gardener's Supply.
I'm behind sowing due to the cold weather. But I'm busily starting leeks, peppers, and cabbage. Tomorrow I'll start on all the fun flowers. Rudbeckias included.